We left Saranac Lake early because a big storm was due and headed down Route 87.  The snow was coming but still light as we drove down the Interstate.  It continued to increase until we realized we should get off the road and hunker down somewhere.  That somewhere was Saratoga Springs.  Right in the middle of town, we found an old-style motel complete with indoor swimming pool.  After we parked and got settled, we took a walk along the main street.  The snow made everything beautiful.  Jim got swimming trunks and I found a wonderful used bookstore.  Places were closing so food was catch as catch can.  I was grateful we were not driving.

The Lyrical Ballad bookstore was on a side-street, but its rooms wound around under other buildings.  The woman working the counter was friendly.  She was taking time off from the stress of managing properties for folks like George Soros.  She was funny and interesting in the way people are who have chosen to live outside the nine to five.  We talked books and animals and the history of the store.  It was started in the 1960’s by a fellow out of the back of his VW bug.  Amazing!  We returned several times during out stay in town and she had us over for dinner one night.  We corresponded for a while after that.

There was a beauty parlor across the street from the bookstore.  It had a large circular window that looked out on the street.  In the snow with the lights, it looked like a great painting.  I never painted it, but I did get my hair cut and could enjoy the street and snow while I sat there.

There was a Borders on Broadway too.  I love books in any form and spent time there as well.  The Main Street had restaurants, niche clothing stores, outerwear gear shops and an old-time pharmacy.  The snow was three feet deep by the time it stopped.  We stayed another day. Being snow bound was a magical break from life. The beauty, the camaraderie, the lovely town were soothing.  We returned often to Saratoga Springs.  I never did paint that beauty parlor.